Timeless Tales at Mohawk Tavern
Nestled in the heart of German Village, Ohio, since 1933, Mohawk stands as a cherished local icon, weaving a narrative of tradition and community. More than a tavern, it's a living chronicle connecting past and present, where rustic charm meets the spirit of generations within the cobblestone streets.
History of The Old Mohawk
Opened as a general store and tavern by German sailor Ferdinand Thomas.
Tavern operated as a brothel and speakeasy. Legend has it Al Capone was a regular guest.
Prohibition ends with the abolishment of the 18th Amendment. Myles Elk buys tavern and opens restaurant. The tavern quickly is expanded to entire building. Horseshoe bar added along with turtle soup and fried snapping turtle. The turtles are raised in a mud pit in the basement.
Myles Elk passes away, but the tavern continues business under the name “Mohawk Grill” with the original Elk family and Walter Lynch managing until 1972.
The Alexander brothers, Columbus restaurateurs and owners of the Desert Inn, purchase the business.
Beatrice “Bea” Marlow begins her long career in the Mohawk’s kitchen. Shortly after, her famous meatloaf debuts as a special.
The Tavern is purchased by John Messmore and is operated under the name “Tiffany’s”
“The Old Mohawk” is purchased by its current owners who revert to its popular name. Jim Jeffers begins his long career behind the bar.
1977 – 1979
Guitar playing Buck and Bob are popular weekend entertainment.
The famous “Nighthawk” drink, a powerful concoction of peppermint schnapps and dark rum, is invented by Jim Jeffers. A colorful blackboard is added to promote the day’s special offering.
The “Mother Mohawk” sandwich is introduced.
Quesadillas are added to the menu. The Mohawk becomes known as a special place for “Fine food, familiar faces, and timely tunes.”
The Old Mohawk is renovated, and an addition is built at the back of the restaurant.
Co-owner of The Old Mohawk and resident icon “Coach” Slaughter passes away. No bar should be without a coach. He was ours.
The Old Mohawk celebrates its 25th Anniversary.
Old Mohawk celebrates 30 years of fun and food.
Co-owner Harly Rouda Sr. Passes away.
The Old Mohawk celebrates 40-year anniversary.
Co-owner Felix Pedon passes away.